History of the Mountain Feist

I once read and article in Garden & Gun and it lead with the line, "Squirrel dogs are not trained, but awakened." For a TRUE Feist, this couldn't be any more accurate. Mountain Feist were created for a specific purpose, to help rid farmers of rodent populations and hunt small game. In addition to being excellent varmint dogs, Feist were also resilient and low maintenance. Originating in the Appalachian region, Feist resulted from the selective breeding of hounds and terriers. Record keeping of the past is not what it is today, therefore it is not certain when the breed was established, but it was some time between 1700-1900. There are indications that several prominent historical figures had Feist dogs themselves. George Washington had a "foist" and mentioned it in his journal, Abraham Lincoln wrote of a "fice" dog in "The Bear Hunt," William Faulkner mentions "fyce" dogs in his writings, and even Theodore Roosevelt owned Feist dogs. 

Sadly, over time, the popularity of the Feist declined drastically, resulting in the breed almost going extinct. The Mountain Feist Association was established in 1984, in order to aid in the preservation of this heritage breed. To this day, Feist aren't well known of outside of the hunting communities. They are often mistaken as Jack Russel terriers, however they have much calmer and quieter demeanors and smoother, softer coats. Along with being exceptional hunters, Feist make excellent companions and family pets.  

Breed Standards and Characteristics

Head: Moderate in size, wedge shaped, proportional to the body.

Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond shape. Amber to dark brown in color.

Ears: Set high on the skull. Range from small to medium in size, erect, semi-erect, drop, rose, even mismatched are permitted.

Tail: May be left natural or docked. Docked should be done at 3/4. Natural tail should be medium to long length and is permitted to be straight, curved, sickle, or circled. 

Temperament: Feist are energetic and utilize all of their senses (sight, sound and smell). They get along well with their "pack" but are weary of others, animals and people alike.

Mountain Feist Recognition and Groups

Mountain Feist were accepted by UKC (United Kennel Club) on February 1, 2015.

Mountain Feist have been accepted with the NKC (National Kennel Club) for much longer that the UKC. 

Other groups associated with Mountain Feist promotion are: Mountain Feist Association and The American Treeing Feist Association.